10 May 2024


  • The European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) is reviewing whether to allow crypto into the region's €12 trillion UCITS investment product market.

  • The US House of Representatives has approved a resolution to overturn a SEC bulletin that establishes cryptocurrency accounting guidance for firms that custody crypto.

  • A group of financial institutions, including J.P. Morgan, Citi, Mastercard, and Visa, have initiated a proof-of-concept for a Regulated Settlement Network (RSN). The project will explore the feasibility of shared ledger technology to settle tokenized assets.

  • Grayscale has withdrawn its application for an Ethereum futures ETF.



  • The Bitcoin network has achieved a significant milestone, processing its billionth transaction this week. 

  • BNB Chain has announced 4 hard forks for opBNB, which will result in gas cost on opBNB to be up to 10 times lower.

  • The Starknet Foundation has announced a US$5M grant program to support emerging projects on Starknet.

  • Neel Somani, founder of the Eclipse L2, has stepped back from the project following allegations of sexual misconduct, which he has denied.


  • Liquid restaking protocol Puffer Finance has launched its mainnet on May 8.

  • Total transaction volume of Arbitrum on Uniswap has surpassed US$150B, making it the first Layer 2 to pass the threshold.


  • According to a report by Bloomberg, Visa and data platform Allium Labs discovered that less than 10% of stablecoin transaction volumes are authentic or originate from actual individuals. Nonetheless, the analysis found a steady growth of monthly active stablecoin users, with 27.5M monthly active users across all chains.


  • Metamask has launched an optional new feature, called Smart Transactions, that aims to bring native MEV protection, pre-simulation, and smarter gas settings to users.

  • Digital bank Revolut, has developed a crypto exchange Revolut X which is now available to professional cryptocurrency traders.

  • A group of Ethereum developers, including Vitalik Buterin, has proposed a new transaction type to enhance Externally Owned Accounts (“EOAs”). EIP-7702 suggests a new transaction type that allows EOAs to temporarily act as smart contract wallets during a transaction.

  • Fantasy.top and pump.fun have broken into the top 10 projects this week in terms of 24H fees generated based on data from DeFi Llama.

  • Trading platform Robinhood has received a Wells Notice from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Separately, Robinhood also reported its first quarter results this week - 1Q crypto trading volume was US$36B, up 224% year-on-year.

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