According to Foresight News, the primary suspect in a case involving the laundering of 60,000 bitcoins in the UK, Qian Zhimin, also known as Yadi Zhang, has returned to the UK to face charges after evading authorities in China for seven years and in the UK for four years. Qian's assistant and co-conspirator in the money laundering case, Wen Jian, had previously been arrested and tried, and is set to be sentenced on May 10, local London time.

In a previous report by Foresight News, it was revealed that in the illegal fundraising case involving 43 billion yuan by Tianjin Blue Sky Ge Rui, it is estimated that less than 5% of the funds can be returned domestically. Currently, 61,000 bitcoins have been seized by UK police. A hearing on the proceeds of the crime will be held in September 2024. Furthermore, according to international practice, sharing is the mainstream method for cross-border pursuit and disposal of confiscated assets. The International Cooperation Department of China's Ministry of Justice responded that it does not have specific case information and is not convenient to disclose.