According to BlockBeats, Ethereum liquidity staking protocol has seen an inflow of 398,559 ETH in the past month, according to data from Dune. Meanwhile, Renzo experienced an inflow of 283,520 ETH during the same period. In contrast, the well-established Ethereum liquidity staking protocol Lido saw an outflow of 274,368 ETH.

These figures indicate a shift in the Ethereum staking landscape, with newer protocols like and Renzo gaining traction among users. The reasons behind this shift are not clear, but it could be attributed to various factors such as competitive staking rewards, user-friendly interfaces, or innovative features offered by these newer platforms.

As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these trends develop and whether established protocols like Lido can maintain their market share in the face of increasing competition from newer entrants.