According to BlockBeats: Axie Infinity's co-founder, Aleksander Leonard Larsen, noted in an interview with DL News on October 1 that the label of "AAA game" has become a mere marketing gimmick for many Web3 game ventures. Instead of demonstrating their abilities through their work, these entities concentrate more on metrics such as the floor price of NFTs or the size of their development teams.

Furthermore, Larsen pointed out certain operational difficulties within these gaming projects. Some chain game developers resort to 'borrowing' programmers from other studios to sustain their projects, resulting in internal team cooperation challenges. This could potentially lead to a struggle in delivering on the promises associated with the label of AAA chain games.

This raises questions about the sustainability and genuineness of some blockchain-based gaming projects. Larsen's comments encourage a more critical evaluation of blockchain game projects beyond the surface level appeal of being classified as an AAA game.