• At Stella, users can access on-chain leveraged strategies with 0% borrowing cost that have high yield potential and capital efficiency. Lenders can earn real yield from the borrowing fees.

  • Stella is rebranded from Alpha Venture DAO.

  • ALPHA is the native token of the project. Staking ALPHA will allow token holders to have access to:

    • Protocol fees from Stella protocol, regardless of which chains or layer-2 solutions Stella is built on.

    • Tokens of the past incubated projects when the tokens become publicly available. This allows stakers to take part in high-quality Web 3.0 projects early on.

    • Voting rights on protocol’s proposals to participate in Stella governance.

  • The project consists of the following major components working in conjunction:

    • Stella Strategy: Access multiple selections of leveraged strategies built on top of various DeFi protocols and increase their positions by borrowing funds from Stella Lend at 0% cost.

    • Stella Lend: Lend assets and passively earn APY from yields generated by borrowers on Stella Strategy through in-kind token rewards without putting a maximum cap on the lending APY.

  • As at June 9th 2023, the total supply of ALPHA is 1,000,000,000,000 and the circulating supply is 798,000,000 (~79.80% of total token supply).

  • Learn more about the token distribution of ALPHA here.