• Eclipse Labs appointed its former Chief Growth Officer, Vijay Chetty, as its new CEO.

  • The company’s former CEO, Neel Somani, resigned last week after sexual assault allegations were levied against him.

Eclipse Labs' appointed Vijay Chetty as its new CEO, after Neel Somani stepped down last week after sexual assault allegations. Chetty was the chief growth officer at the firm before his promotion.

Effective immediately, I will be stepping into the role of CEO of Eclipse Labs. As Chief Growth Officer, I’ve seen firsthand the promise of Eclipse’s technology and the excitement from our employees, partners, investors and community towards the project.

— Vijay 🌑 (@0xLitquidity) May 16, 2024

"Chetty brings over a decade of crypto-native experience to the helm, having held leadership positions at Uniswap Labs, dYdX Trading, and Ripple Labs in addition to his investing experience at BlackRock," Eclipse posted on X.

Allegations against Somani first emerged last week, and in response, he said he would step back as the company's public face.

“Since learning about the allegations, we worked hard with other investors and the team to correct the situation, including urging Neel to resign, and we are pleased to see that happen,” HackVC, an investor in the company, posted on X.

These allegations have not been proven in court, and Somani maintains that he has done nothing wrong.

“These allegations are false, but serious allegations about sexual misconduct warrant a serious and thoughtful response,” he posted on X.