The top five dog-themed meme coins: Doge, Shib, Wif, Floki and Bonk; have a combined market capitalization of more than $40 billion, more than 13x greater than Manchester United’s market capitalization of under $3 billion. In 2022, the global football merchandise market was valued at $11.4 billion. It is projected to experience a growth rate of 6.5% annually, reaching approximately $20 billion by 2031. Given the huge institutional interest in tokenization, it is probable that future consumer dollars will be spent on football-related tokens/meme coins. Additionally, the combined market capitalization of the leading sports coins is approximately $3 billion, led by Flow and Chz. The "Bobby" meme coin, inspired by Cristiano Ronaldo's Golden Labrador and named after the legendary Bobby Moore, seeks to bridge the worlds of finance and football, fostering deeper connections between fans and the sport's storied history. Through this unique approach, the Bobby Moore project aspires to lead the way in the emerging market of football-related tokens, providing investors with both meaningful engagement and substantial growth potential. The Cristiano Ronaldo association Ronaldo, widely recognized as CR7, commands an extensive social media presence with approximately 110 million Twitter followers and 630 million on Instagram, underscoring his influence among football and non-football enthusiasts worldwide. His foray into strategic partnerships, notably with Binance, illustrates his commercial insight and ability to capitalize on emerging trends. Through this collaboration, Ronaldo has effectively bridged the worlds of sports and cryptocurrency, focusing on the promotion of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This alignment showcases a savvy integration of personal branding with frontier financial technologies. As the phased marketing plan successfully expands Bobby's reach, there is a strong potential for Ronaldo to become associated with the project. Ronaldo’s involvement would significantly heighten visibility and propel the project into the public eye, leveraging his massive global influence and fanbase. This strategic alignment could serve as a catalyst, driving widespread attention and engagement with Bobby, and further solidifying its presence in the market. For example, in 2015, Ronaldo’s Instagram post featuring his dog Marosca received over 1.1 million likes, illustrating his significant influence and reach. This level of engagement demonstrates his ability tocaptivate a large audience, a valuable asset for promotional activities.


The token was launched on May 6th without a presale or venture capital involvement.

The total supply is 100 billion tokens.

Token distribution:

90% of the supply was made available as part of a fair launch, with no private sale.

10% of the supply is reserved for strategic purposes: 6% is allocated for platform development,

marketing, and partnerships, while the remaining 4% is earmarked specifically for CR7-related


Target audience

The Bobby meme coin is positioned to attract a diverse group of potential investors and enthusiasts drawn from various demographic segments. Key audiences include avid sports fans, particularly followers of football and Ronaldo, who are naturally drawn to products linked to his iconic brand. Additionally, the project targets crypto enthusiasts and investors already active or interested in the cryptocurrency market, with a special focus on those who engage with meme coins and sports-related digital assets. Young, tech-savvy individuals, aged between 18 and 34, who are active on social media and inclined towards innovative investment opportunities like cryptocurrencies, form another crucial demographic. This group is complemented by collectors and traders of NFTs, who are on the lookout for unique digital items and speculative assets, and fans of dog-themed content, particularly those active in communities centred around popular tokens like Doge or shib

Marketing strategy

The marketing strategy will be multi-pronged, focusing on community building, influencers and product


Community building

After securing a significant number of enthusiasts, the plan is to launch a targeted airdrop featuring

T-shirts adorned with designs of Bobby and Ronaldo. This approach not only rewards community

involvement but also significantly increases visibility. As these T-shirts are worn at football events, they

will promote the project and enhance the sense of unity and excitement among the community, leveraging

the collective spirit to drive momentum forward.

To maximize project visibility and spark excitement, strategically placed billboards will be utilized in and

around football stadiums, capitalizing on high foot traffic during major events. Additionally, the project will

engage audiences through meme competitions aligned with significant football events, including the

Olympics and FIFA tournaments.

Influencer collaboration

The project plans to collaborate with notable football figures closely associated with Ronaldo, including his former Real Madrid teammates and members of the Portugal national team. This collaboration aims to leverage their substantial influence and fanbase to boost visibility and credibility. The power of association is of paramount importance and can be observed with Elon Musk and Dogecoin.

Further, engagement with influential personalities in the Crypto Twitter community and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) will broaden the project's reach within the crypto and sports communities. These partnerships are designed to attract investors by presenting the token as a unique opportunity to engage.

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