Due to unfilled slots in the E-Points WL pool, a new public pool is now live allowing everyone to claim the remaining $ECL. 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬 ⏰: April 4, 9AM UTC ~ April 5, 9AM UTC 📍: https://app.bounce.finance/launchpad/euclid-public -Auction Method: Fixed-Price (FCFS) -$ECL Supply: 2,938,120 $MIRRORECL -Swap Ratio: 1 $MIRRORECL = 0.02 USDT 💡Participants of the $ECL IDO on Bounce receive $ECL’s mirror token, $MIRRORECL. You can use $MIRRORECL to participate in vesting on Euclid’s website claim the actual $ECL starting at April 5, 10AM UTC. Follow @Euclidfi & stay tuned for the claim link!