According to BlockBeats, Ethena, a stablecoin protocol, has seen its reserve fund grow to $36.8 million as of April 21. Over the past month, the reserve fund has increased by $15.3 million. The data was released by Ethena's official website on April 22.

Stablecoins are digital currencies that are designed to minimize the volatility of the price of the stablecoin, relative to some 'stable' asset or a basket of assets. Ethena's significant increase in its reserve fund indicates a growing trust and usage of its stablecoin in the market.

It's important to note that the reserve fund serves as a guarantee for the value of the stablecoin. The increase in Ethena's reserve fund suggests that the protocol is well-equipped to maintain the stability of its coin, even in the face of market fluctuations. This development could potentially attract more users to Ethena's platform, contributing to the overall growth of the stablecoin market.