According to BlockBeats, as of April 15, data from Dune indicates that the total value of Ethereum and ERC20 tokens stored in all Safe account smart contract addresses is approximately $85 billion. This substantial amount reflects the growing popularity and acceptance of these digital assets in the global market.

Ethereum, as a decentralized, open-source blockchain featuring smart contract functionality, has been a significant player in the digital currency world. ERC20 tokens are a type of token that are compliant with the Ethereum network, and their widespread use has contributed to the overall value stored in these Safe accounts.

The Safe accounts mentioned are smart contract addresses that provide a secure way for users to store their digital assets. The high value of assets stored in these accounts indicates the trust users have in the security and reliability of these digital wallets.

This information provides a snapshot of the current state of digital assets and their acceptance in the global market. It also highlights the importance of secure storage solutions for these assets, as the value stored in these accounts continues to grow.