According to PANews, data from DeFiLlama reveals that the total value locked (TVL) in Solana's Marginfi protocol is currently around $570 million. This represents a decrease of $117 million (a 17% drop) from the previous day's $687 million. Compared to the historical high of $810 million on April 1, this is a reduction of $240 million (a 29% drop).

It has been reported that validator operator SolBlaze previously accused Marginfi of malicious operations. The BLZE emissions on bSOL and BLZE deposits have not been running for approximately eight days. In response, the Marginfi team announced plans to compensate users for the emissions not received in the past eight days. SolBlaze and Marginfi have since resolved this issue through negotiations, and a solution has been reached.

In the midst of this dispute, Marginfi announced its departure, stating that it does not agree with the team's way of doing things. The individual expressed a lack of genuine concern for tokens, money, or anything else.