According to Foresight News, during the '2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival', Calanthia Mei, co-founder of the decentralized AI data network Masa Network, expressed her views in a roundtable discussion titled 'AI+Web3: Trends and Opportunities'. Mei stated that the data layer or distributed data collection is the biggest opportunity in the decentralized AI wave. Masa is attempting to establish a truly decentralized AI data network using crypto economics, where users will own their data for the first time. When their data is used to train AI models, they can receive compensation. This vision of decentralization and equality is what Masa has been pursuing. So far, Masa has approximately 1.4 million users.

The 'AI+Web3: Trends and Opportunities' roundtable discussion also included other guests such as Yu Hu, CEO of Kaito, Saneel Sreeni, founding member of Ritual, and Ethan Sun, co-founder of MyShell.