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Onchain Research - TheDatafi
💹$ZRX is currently the top trending cryptocurrency on social media in the past 24 hours. There are indications of whale accumulation and unusual net deposits over the past 2 days. To your mind, do you think that shill and price pushed?. These observations are calculated by @icryptoaibot (Te🔍le🔍gram). It provides numbers, insights, alerts, and more. 😀 However, the ultimate decision-making process depends on individuals, and it is recommended to DYOR. 👉Note for newcomers: Analyzing cryptocurrencies varies from person to person, and everyone has their own process, tools, and tips. The goal is to make profits, so refrain from asking whether it's the right time to buy or sell. :D

💹$ZRX is currently the top trending cryptocurrency on social media in the past 24 hours.

There are indications of whale accumulation and unusual net deposits over the past 2 days. To your mind, do you think that shill and price pushed?.

These observations are calculated by @icryptoaibot (Te🔍le🔍gram). It provides numbers, insights, alerts, and more. 😀 However, the ultimate decision-making process depends on individuals, and it is recommended to DYOR.

👉Note for newcomers: Analyzing cryptocurrencies varies from person to person, and everyone has their own process, tools, and tips. The goal is to make profits, so refrain from asking whether it's the right time to buy or sell. :D

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no representa asesoría financiera. Lee los TyC.
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0x2cc is Gem Hunter, currently x3 their balance with #SENSOR protocol (1 day old) | 4 other tokens with noteworthy data 🔥 1. $RBN - $AEVO increased by 30% due to the growth of $RBN. These two tokens will merge in May at a conversion rate of 1:1. This is considered a good time to push the price of #AEVO. and $RBN as the supply will increase, and high price volatility will be challenging afterward. 2. $MKR - continues to benefit positively from Whale and Smart Money. In the past 24 hours, Whales have accumulated an additional 2.98K #MKR ~$9.98M, increasing capital ratio by +0.59%. MKR is also exiting the Smart Money dispute zone, with buying pressure from this group outweighing selling pressure . 3. $TAO - after profiting near the $650 price range, Smart Money is gradually selling off. Monitor the actions of 0xe41 for optimal strategies: 0xe41c1f350f960e68aca30d552c1fbc387814508e 4. $TOKEN - has x400% in the past month. Today, the price has decreased by 12%. Currently, a Smart Traders who accumulated in the price range of $0.15-0.24, has no signs of selling. Follow this wallet for a good strategy with #tokenfi : 0xe99bc90d3cb86cf095d75a020c10fbf9d4aa9a4d 5. $SENSOR - Hidden Gem, one day old, started at a price of 0.002, and the current price is ~0.015. The 0x2cc wallet has accumulated early and has partially taken profits (as shown in the chart), but there are still more to come. This wallet's portfolio also holds $CREO (x7800% in 6 months) and $METAL (x6760% in 4 months). Currently, this wallet has taken action with $SENSOR and one other token on the Polygon chain. Use iCryptoAI to get the wallet addresses. Follow us for quality information.
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