Learning trading is like a never ending journey. However, this journey makes me more heartbroken than my problems in reality — outside my trading life. Why? Because in here, if I lose, I cannot tell anyone that “hey, I'm sad I lost everything I invested” as I know if they knew that for sure all I'm gonna hear is “why, why, why, stupid”. But, in reality I can tell them my problems. Trading isn't for everyone, that's why I understand why some perceive this as a system that will only pocket your money. But at the end of the day, it's your decision that matters. Above all, my lesson in trading since day 1 until present is to never buy when you are happy, and never sell when you are sad. Because sometimes being patient to wait for the right time will give you profit. However, this is only applicable to those who has a large sum of money because they can hold their position. But for me who only has $10 on her account, well say hi to liquidation if I sleep even just for only 5 minutes. 🥹
Anyways, I am writing this post as my journal today. 10/17/2023 — the day when I lost all my money. 🥲
Maybe this is not a goodbye, but for now, I think I need to lay low. Maybe, trading isn't for me.
Though, I love writing. Maybe someone can offer me a job out there related to writing services hahaha! lol I know no one will read this. By the way, good night traders, cryptomanias & binance user. I might need some good sleep to forgot what I experienced today. 🥲☁️