This note covers various aspects of Bitcoin, from its origin to its technical foundations, economic dynamics, social impact, cultural significance, and infrastructure_BITCOIN Note_


- Created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008

- Whitepaper published on October 31, 2008

- Launched on January 3, 2009

_Technical Foundations_

- Blockchain technology with a decentralized ledger

- Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithm

- SHA-256 hash function for secure transactions

- ECDSA cryptographic algorithm for secure wallets

_Economic Dynamics_

- Supply and demand determine market price

- Limited supply of 21 million BTC

- Halving events reduce supply rate

- Increasing adoption and mainstream acceptance

_Social Impact_

- Financial inclusion for underserved populations

- Decentralized and democratic governance

- Privacy and anonymity for transactions

- Store of value and medium of exchange

_Cultural Significance_

- Symbol of decentralized resistance

- Representation of digital scarcity

- Inspiration for blockchain innovation

- Global recognition and brand value


- Node network for decentralized verification

- Miner network for transaction validation

- Wallets for secure asset management

- Exchanges for liquidity and trading

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