Bitlayer's ecological project group is online @ParticleNtwrk

The four new Launchpad projects are:

@Pell and @avalon and @bitCow and @Lorenzo

Airdrops are distributed based on points. The more points you have, the more airdrops you get.

While you are participating in the Particle new launch mission,

By the way, I also organized the Bitlayer event, which can be called "killing six birds with one stone"

Direct registration with conditions

#撸毛 #空投分享 #Launchpool‬ #MegadropLista #BTCLayer2


1. Preparation for new listings

1: Go to the official website to activate your Particle account


2: Enter the new listing page and click any project

(Bind Little Fox, TW and DC, etc. + input code: 12DT14)


3: Focus on 4 projects of TW+ entering DC

4: Complete the interactive tasks of 4 projects


While you are participating in the Particle new launch mission,

By the way, I also organized the Bitlayer event, which can be called "killing six birds with one stone":

Get first-level chips + points for 4 projects at low cost;

Increase the weight of Particle's future airdrops.

2. Interaction process of each ecological task

1. Pell Network

Decentralized security leasing platform, TVL exceeds 18 million US dollars

Cooperate with Merlin, MAP Protocol, etc., with good background

A total of 21 million tokens will be distributed in this airdrop

Task requirements: Stake on Bitlayer

1: From the second layer to Bitlayer cross pie:


2: Big cookie swap exchange requires gas modification

Just set gwei to 0.1


3. Stake the pie


2. bitCow

An AMM protocol, which is considered as the biological son of bitsmiley.

There have been airdrop activities before, the effect is good and the popularity is high

A total of 2.1 million tokens will be distributed in this airdrop.

Mission: Add liquidity to BitCow on Bitlayer

1: Swap W cake to a stable pair:


2: Add liquidity, only (stable-stable, stable-pie)


Lorenzo Protocol

A modular blockchain L2 facility based on Babylon, led by Binance

Babylon+Binance+modularity, enough to attract attention

A total of 210,000 Tokens will be distributed in this airdrop

The tutorial is as follows:

1: Stake the pie on Lorenzo to get the stud pie:


2: Bridge the st-bread from Lorenzo to the Bitlayer network


4. Avalon Finance

A decentralized lending protocol that has completed its seed round of financing

At present, TVL has exceeded 300 million US dollars, and the popularity is quite good

A total of 10 million tokens will be distributed in this airdrop

The tutorial is as follows:

1: Provide tokens on Bitlayer to earn points


2: Borrow tokens on Bitlayer to earn points

You can borrow it later after depositing it


That’s all for today

For other interactions, you can view all previously published articles

For more project interaction tutorials, please follow Kaka Crypto Research Society, thank you~