According to Odaily, FlokiFi, a decentralized finance product under Floki, has announced its support for 15 EVM-compatible networks. Users can seamlessly lock their LP tokens, NFTs, or ERC-1155 tokens on various networks including ETH, Base, BNBChain, Polygon, Fantom, AVAX, KCC, OKXChain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Cronos, Evmos, opBNB, Dogechain, and Blast.

This move by FlokiFi is a significant step in expanding its reach and functionality across multiple blockchain networks. By supporting a wide range of EVM-compatible networks, FlokiFi is enabling users to leverage their digital assets across a broader spectrum of platforms.

The announcement underscores FlokiFi's commitment to enhancing its decentralized finance offerings and providing users with more flexibility and options in managing their digital assets. The support for these networks also indicates FlokiFi's recognition of the growing importance of interoperability in the blockchain space.