According to Odaily, Bounce Brand has announced that users can now trade MBA on the BounceBit network. This is made possible through the use of the Bitswap application within BounceClub. The announcement was made on the X platform, marking a significant step in the expansion of Bounce Brand's services.

The integration of the Bitswap application within BounceClub allows users to seamlessly trade MBA on the BounceBit network. This development is expected to enhance the user experience and provide more trading options for Bounce Brand's users. The announcement did not provide further details about the new service, but it is clear that Bounce Brand is continuously working to improve its offerings and expand its reach in the digital trading space.

This move by Bounce Brand is part of a broader trend in the digital trading industry, where companies are constantly innovating and expanding their services to meet the evolving needs of their users. The integration of the Bitswap application is a clear indication of Bounce Brand's commitment to providing its users with the most up-to-date and efficient trading tools. The company's decision to make this announcement on the X platform also demonstrates its intention to reach a wider audience and attract more users to its services.