Check out @AltLayer

The innovation in blockchain technology that offers enhanced speed and scalability. Whether you're interested, in crypto or technology AltLayer is causing quite a stir.

Learn more about why its capturing everyones attention!

AltLayer; Transforming Decentralized Systems with Restaked Rollups

AltLayer stands out as a protocol that aims to improve the efficiency, security and speed of decentralized systems through the introduction of native and restaked rollups. By combining optimistic and zk rollup technologies AltLayer brings a touch to systems akin to upgrading a citys infrastructure to handle increased traffic seamlessly.

• Understanding Rollups

Rollups serve as a layer 2 scaling solution designed to enhance network throughput. They aggregate transactions into one, which is then processed on the blockchain reducing congestion and minimizing fees. Think of it as merging parcels into one shipment to cut shipping costs and expedite delivery times.

• Restaked Rollups by AltLayer

The innovation behind AltLayer lies in its restaked rollups that elevate decentralization, security and interoperability. These rollups incorporate three 'Actively Validated Services (AVS) to empower users in customizing rollups based on their requirements.

1. Avs

Offers L1 level security with fraud/ZK proof.

Involves the community as stakers for permissionless verification.

Ensures verification and finality.

Example; Similar, to a neighborhood watch ensuring safety and prompt resolution of issues.

2. Mach AVS

Provides confirmation (, than 10 seconds) in comparison to Layer 1 (which takes around 13 minutes).

Ensures connectivity across rollups.

Enhances security measures. Reduces the impact of MEV (Maximum Extractable Value).

For instance envision a high speed train network efficiently linking parts of a city.

3. Squad AVS

Addresses vulnerabilities by engaging the community in staking activities.

Reduces the risk of censorship. Enhances the practicality of tokens.

Imagine a business model where each member holds a stake and has input into decisions.

• Rollups as a Service (RaaS)

AltLayers RaaS facilitates the development of tailored rollups using rollup frameworks such as OP Stack, Arbitrum Orbit, Polygon CDK and zkSync ZK Stack. This service is comparable to an all construction company that not constructs but also manages and upgrades infrastructure.

• Benefits of RaaS

Eliminates the need for knowledge; enabling focus on core business functions.

Allows customization of gas token, runtime and variables.

Offers support well as business guidance.

Provides tools including explorers and bridges for end to end solutions.

Regular updates incorporating features and security enhancements.

Compatible, with rollup software development kits (SDKs) and data availability layers.Staking with real ALT Tokens

  • The token of AltLayer, known as ALT has uses including economic bonding, governance, protocol incentivization and payment, for services within the network. When you stake ALT tokens you earn reALT tokens that automatically compound rewards on a basis to optimize APY.

reALT Tokens; Provide rewards that compound automatically to simplify the staking process.

stALT Tokens; Represent contributions made through staking and can be exchanged for reALT tokens to enjoy compounding benefits.

• Recent Updates

AltLayer has introduced two MACH AVS on the EigenLayer Mainnet;

1. AltLayer MACH AVS; Designed for the Optimism mainnet rollup.

2. Xterio MACH AVS; Tailored for gaming activities on the Xterio rollup.

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