According to Odaily, the Monetary Authority of Singapore has disclosed its collaboration with the Bank of Ghana. This partnership is aimed at conducting a cross-border pilot involving Ghana's central bank digital currency (CBDC), known as eCedi, and stablecoins. The initiative is designed to bind currency for specific purposes.

The collaboration between the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Bank of Ghana is a significant step towards exploring the potential of digital currencies in facilitating cross-border transactions. The use of Ghana's eCedi CBDC and stablecoins in this pilot project underscores the growing interest and adoption of digital currencies by central banks and financial institutions worldwide.

This development is part of a broader trend of central banks and financial institutions exploring the potential of CBDCs and stablecoins to improve financial systems and facilitate cross-border transactions. The outcome of this pilot project could provide valuable insights into the practical applications of digital currencies in the global financial landscape.