According to U.Today, Bitcoin maximalist Max Keiser has voiced his support for predictions of an impending crash in the U.S. banking sector. Keiser's comments come in response to a piece published by Zerohedge, which discusses a potential future banking crisis as predicted by billionaire Barry Sternlicht, CEO of Starwood Capital Group. Sternlicht anticipates that U.S. regional and community banks, of which there are over 4,000, will start to fail at a rate of one or two each week.

Sternlicht attributes this potential crisis to the Federal Reserve's decision to raise interest rates, a move that he believes will not be reversed in the near future. This decision was announced during a recent FOMC meeting. Sternlicht predicts that the real estate sector and local banks that work with it will be particularly affected. He suggests that, as in 2009, real estate loans are likely to suffer. Experts believe that the U.S. Federal Reserve is caught between allowing a banking crisis by keeping rates high, and letting inflation grow stronger and out of control by lowering interest rates. High rates may keep inflation in check, but crucial sectors of the economy that rely heavily on loans may struggle to survive in a higher-rate environment.

Keiser's support for these predictions aligns with his belief that this situation is unfolding 'exactly as Satoshi planned it', referring to Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. Keiser also supports the 'crash predictions' made by Robert Kiyosaki, author of 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. Kiyosaki has frequently expressed his belief that the U.S. economy, along with the U.S. dollar, is on the brink of a crash. He advocates for investment in Bitcoin, gold, and silver, predicting that the prices of these assets will skyrocket in the near future. Kiyosaki has even predicted that Bitcoin will reach $100,000 by September of this year. Keiser agrees with Kiyosaki's predictions, believing that the U.S. economy is heading downhill at a rapid pace.