Author: ETHGlobal

Compiled by: Felix, PANews

On May 5, the ETHGlobal Sydney hackathon with a total prize pool of $100,000 announced the eight finalists, namely: Relief Link, HoverChain, Retake//Regen, Cache Coherence, 0xPoll, Roman Kyoto, Zeke and AlibudaHabitBuilder. This article takes you through the relevant information of the eight projects:

Relief Link

Relief Link is an innovative service designed to automatically distribute aid immediately after a disaster, leveraging blockchain technology for efficient and secure operations. The project integrates Chainlink oracles for real-time disaster monitoring and automated transactions, ensuring timely delivery of aid to those affected within a specific radius. The system attracts users, even those new to cryptocurrency, through account abstraction from Unlimit and third-party networks, allowing for convenient access to fiat currency options.

Relief Link uses Worldcoin for authentication to maintain system integrity and prevent fraud, ensuring that aid is distributed once per verified user. The Relief Link platform leverages PredictHQ's API to track and analyze the impact of various natural disasters (such as floods, fires, and earthquakes) within 100 kilometers of the user's registered location. The data is visualized on the website, providing insights into recent disaster trends in the Asia-Pacific region.


HoverChain is a Google Chrome extension that provides scrollable access to blockchain data. Simply select a blockchain identifier (such as an Ethereum address or contract) and a detailed popup will appear with important statistics such as wallet balances, recent transactions, and available smart contract interactions. HoverChain utilizes the Alchemy API and the Mantle Block Explorer API to access the latest blockchain data.


Eigenlayer AVS is a public product that allows Ethereum validators to offset a small portion of the network’s carbon emissions by committing to purchase and return high-quality carbon credits.

Validators register (opt-in) with the Restake//Regen AVS and self-select a % commitment of the total Ethereum network (between 0.0001% and 1%), then must send the required amount of CHAR to the Restake//Regen pool contract every epoch (28 days), and then withdraw it periodically. Receipts for each contribution are stored in the pool.

Cache Coherence

Cache Coherence uses CCIP and World Coin to extend the account abstraction smart wallet to recover lost keys. Cache Coherence is an extension of the EIP-4337 account abstraction smart contract wallet that can be deployed on any EVM chain. The wallet includes setting up a WorldCoin ID. The WorldCoin ID provides a secondary authentication that can be used as a recovery method in the event of a lost key.

However, there are a limited number of blockchains that support WorldCoin login verification methods. Therefore, CCIP is a bridge between the account wallet and the WorldCoin validator. CCIP is bidirectional, allowing proofs to be sent from the account to WorldCoin. After verification succeeds or fails, the response is sent back to the account via CCIP.


The political voting platform 0xPoll aims to create an application that allows users to link their WorldID with electoral roll details and then interact with a voting platform that reflects Australian federal parliamentary legislation without revealing any personal information. 0xPoll allows users to vote on individual legislation, and the voting results will be collected at the electorate level to effectively lobby current MPs.

Roman Kyoto

Roman Kyoto is a cross-chain multi-asset shielded pool (MASP) that allows users to deposit and then privately transfer ERC-20 tokens. Users can withdraw tokens from the pool at any time and can withdraw the desired amount (up to the current balance in MASP).

Currently Roman Kyoto only supports private single-chain deposits, withdrawals and transfers. CCIP contracts have been created, but additional integration is required for cross-chain private transfers.


Zeke is the first ZK-powered PayPal on-ramp and off-ramp solution with native Telegram integration and account abstraction for a seamless user experience. Zeke allows users to on-ramp (convert fiat currencies into stablecoins) in a fully decentralized peer-to-peer manner through off-chain payment channels such as Venmo and PayPal via a Telegram Bot.

Current fiat deposit and withdrawal providers face the problem that the user process is very cumbersome, inconvenient and requires a lot of KYC data input. Zeke aims to solve these problems by providing users with an easy-to-use interface and operability through Telegram Bot.


The Alibuda Habit Build project encourages people to develop new habits through a unique staking system. Users first register through the Base smart wallet in 3 clicks. In order to participate in the challenge, users will pledge a certain amount of funds as a commitment to the habits they want to develop.

AlibudaHabitBuilde offers two habit-building pathways: one for mental health and the other for physical health. To improve mental health, participants are encouraged to enjoy nature and interact with friends offline. Participation can be confirmed by tapping the ARX NFC at a designated location. For physical health, the project is integrating with Strava so that exercise records can be logged directly to Alibuda. Participants who maintain these habits have the opportunity to win NFTs as well as funds for losers.

If participants fail to maintain their habits, 50% of their funds will automatically go to public goods. The remaining 50% is used to reward those who stick to their habits.