#CryptoWatchMay2024 $BTC It seems to me that the people who say that there is a mega bull waiting are people who do not know the market, although I could be wrong, I have to say that the movements of the whales #WhaleAlert are so obvious that they are even ridiculous, the speculation that #Bitcoin will reach 100k is really nonsense, do you know why? Because it should have already done it in this last bull market, always in previous bull markets the maximum price of bitcoin that happened now was tremendously exceeded? At most it only exceeded 15%, compared to other years, that is, nothing. Be careful, right now the whales want you to buy and buy and buy and when the price hits those delicious 70k again you will see how they will start selling, it is more than obvious, why? Because here it is going to happen, be very careful, I recommend you again: save your cryptos and sell everything or 80% when it is in the 70s or so, do not swallow the story that it will reach 100k, we are far from that because the
Ambition is a bitch and so much so that here only a few win at the expense of all of us, get alive, if bitcoin does reach or almost reaches 100k, don't cry, don't worry, don't kick, it will go down again so, so hard that if you sold At 70k you will have up to triple the total profit, I can't guarantee it but the statistics and history speak for themselves, hold on Micro investors