🔓Upcoming Token Unlock Dates🔓
Liquidity ($LQTY), ~658k (0.69%) LQTY coins will be unlocked and put into circulation at 03:00 on April 5, 2024. The value of LQTY to be unlocked is $1.16 million.
Galxe ($GAL ), ~3 million (3.34%) GAL coins will be unlocked and put into circulation at 03:00 on April 5, 2024. The value of GAL to be unlocked is $13.4 million.
Hashflow ($HFT ), ~13.62 million (3.55%) HFT coins will be unlocked and put into circulation at 03:00 on April 7, 2024. The value of HFT to be unlocked is $5.8 million. $GAL