May 30, 2023 Grandpa clocks in

Another trading platform has collapsed. Last night, BKEX issued an announcement. Due to recent platform user funds involving xi money, BKEX is currently cooperating with the police in collecting evidence and suspending currency withdrawals. BKEX is an old exchange. I think it emerged from the wave of trading and mining, but it has always been stuck in the third tier or even pheasant rankings, and not many people paid attention to it. The suspension of currency withdrawals this time is a disaster. The founder's reputation has long been discredited. Judging from the situation of several previous exchanges that ran away, the assets inside have basically returned to zero.

Why are there so many failed platforms and projects in Circle B? Because the cost of crime is too low! In the past, many platforms or projects ran away, and those who took the money went overseas to get away with it. Therefore, now the only criterion to see whether a platform has run away is based on which one is more comfortable, such as B'an and Oyi, the procedures Naturally, there is no motive to run away when Fei Ri is making money, and those platforms whose income cannot satisfy daily operations are potential targets for running away. There are too many pitfalls in Circle B. If you accidentally step on them, you will be reset to zero. There are some things that I tell you to avoid. Take asset storage as an example. Assets must be stored according to the ranking from most to least.

For us, the goal is to avoid touching third-tier platforms as much as possible, especially those that no one plays anymore. Just now, someone sent me a private message asking me about a trading platform called TauCoin. Isn’t this a platform that will run away sooner or later? It’s hard to understand whether these platforms give you money or something else. The functions of mainstream platforms have been so perfect that if they use profits as bait, you will basically become that fish. The bear market is not easy. The current principal is the basis for the expansion of the future bull market. Don't mess around and lose the principal. Now everyone's mainstream first-line games are B'an and OK, and the second-line ones are Bybit, Pantcoin, Matcha, and Gate. For other assets, don't put any assets.

In terms of market conditions, the big pie and the second pie are still trading sideways at a high level. Of course, this high level refers to a relatively high level. In my opinion, it is a good signal, indicating that the pulling funds have not withdrawn immediately, and this kind of accumulation of strength is usually before continuing to pull the market. Actions. There have also been some small moves in the copycats in the past two days. Overall, the market sentiment has been greatly improved compared to last week, and the positions we took can continue to be retained. Of course, the rebound of this wave of pie is still not strong enough. If the daily level does not break through 30,000, it will still be a downward trend rebound. The performance in early June will be more critical. It depends on whether there will be any rebound before the next interest rate hike. Strong market.

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