
The Growth & Development

I am thrilled to share my journey with you! It has been an honor to witness and be a part of the tremendous development in the cryptocurrency market. My eight years of experience in the crypto space has given me valuable insights and expertise that I am delighted to share with others.

In early 2015, I got to know about bitcoin when the value of bitcoin (BTC) fluctuated between approximately $200 to $500 USD. The price of bitcoin started the year around $313 USD and ended the year at around $430 USD.

In 2015, blockchain technology was still in its early stages of development and adoption, the potential of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrency was not yet widely recognized.

At that time, most blockchain projects were focused on building decentralized financial applications, such as payment processing, escrow services and remittances. The idea of using blockchain technology for other industries and use cases was still in its infancy.

As part of the advantages of being early, I made lot of money as a merchant doing what is known as Over-the-counter (OTC) trading, this involves direct trades between two parties without the use of an exchange. OTC trading was particularly popular in the early days of cryptocurrency, when liquidity was low and exchange options were limited. OTC trading allows for larger trades and greater privacy, but it can also carry higher risks and fees.

Also make money as an escrow, when I created a WhatsApp group where I provided a way for buyers and sellers to trade safely and securely without having to trust each other, while I charge a fee for my eacrow service. In many occasions I also onboard new users to know more about bitcoin and its accompanying investment opportunities. At the long run, the use of escrow services in cryptocurrency transactions was becoming more popular, particularly in peer-to-peer transactions. This was partly due to the rise of decentralized exchanges (DEXs), which allowed users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other without the need for intermediaries.

Its quite a great memory to behold, knowing that the cryptocurrency market has evolved significantly since 2015, with new methods of trading and investment opportunities emerging over time. While spot trading remains the most common method of trading, the rise of decentralized exchanges, derivatives trading, NFTs, and DeFi have all contributed to a more diverse and complex cryptocurrency market.

For Instance;

1. Early days (2015-2016): In the early days of cryptocurrency, trading was mainly done through centralized exchanges. Spot trading was the most common method, and OTC trading was also popular for larger trades.

2. ICO boom (2017): The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) boom of 2017 saw many new cryptocurrencies emerge, and many of these projects raised funds through ICOs. ICOs allowed investors to buy tokens that represented a stake in the project before it was launched, with the hope of making a profit when the project was successful.

3. Decentralized exchanges (2017-2018): Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) emerged in 2017-2018, offering a new way to trade cryptocurrencies without relying on centralized exchanges. DEXs allow users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other using smart contracts.

4. Bear market (2018-2019): The cryptocurrency market experienced a significant downturn in 2018-2019, with many cryptocurrencies losing value. During this time, trading volume decreased, and many exchanges shut down due to lack of profitability.

5. Derivatives and institutional trading (2019-2021): In recent years, derivatives trading has become increasingly popular, with options and futures trading available on many exchanges. Institutional trading has also grown, with more institutional investors entering the cryptocurrency market.

6. NFTs and DeFi (2021-present): The rise of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and DeFi (decentralized finance) in 2021 has created new opportunities for trading and investing in cryptocurrency. NFTs allow for the ownership and trading of unique digital assets, while DeFi allows for decentralized lending, borrowing, and trading of cryptocurrencies and other assets.

However, there were a few notable blockchain projects that emerged in 2015. For example, Ethereum, a blockchain platform that allowed developers to build decentralized applications, launched its first version in July 2015. Other blockchain projects, such as Ripple and Hyperledger, also gained attention for their potential to revolutionize various industries.

And since then till date there are some notable cryptocurrency projects that have emerged, Some are;

Bitcoin Cash (2017-present): Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that was created as a result of a hard fork from the original Bitcoin blockchain in 2017. Bitcoin Cash was created to address some of the scalability issues of Bitcoin and has larger block sizes, which allows for faster transaction times.

Polkadot (2020-present): Polkadot is a multi-chain platform that allows for interoperability between different blockchain networks. Polkadot was created by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood and launched in 2020.

Solana (2017-present): Solana is a high-performance blockchain platform that uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. Solana aims to provide faster transaction times and lower fees than other blockchain platforms and has gained popularity in the DeFi space.

Cardano (2017-present): Cardano is a decentralized blockchain platform that uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. Cardano was created by a team of academics and aims to provide a more secure and sustainable blockchain platform.

And Then #Binance

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2017. It was founded by Changpeng Zhao, who had previously worked for several other cryptocurrency exchanges. Binance quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface, low fees, and extensive selection of cryptocurrencies. Within just a few months of launching, Binance became one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world by trading volume. Since then, Binance has continued to grow and expand, adding new features and services such as margin trading, futures trading, and staking. Today, Binance is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges and has a significant influence on the cryptocurrency market.

Additionally, it's worth noting that there are so many other blockchain projects and protocols in use today. Each protocol has its own strengths and weaknesses, and is designed to meet specific needs and use cases within the blockchain ecosystem.

While Some have their own dedicated ecosystem, others are built on top of existing ecosystems ranging from Layer1, layers 2 and Layer 3.

Examples are; Polygon, Theta, Algorand, EOS, Cosmos, Avalanche, Uniswap, chainlink, Arbitrum, Sui etc.

This is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other crypto ecosystems out there.

In Conclusion,

It's quite a great privilege that my experience and consistency as brought me thus far to becoming a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and content creator on Binance feed, the best CEX platform in the world, and I have had the incredible opportunity to engage with the vibrant community of crypto enthusiasts and share my knowledge with them. The journey has been both challenging and rewarding, as I work tirelessly to #keepbuilding and support Binance in its quest for the adoption of crypto and blockchain technology at large.

It is an exciting time to be in the cryptocurrency market, and I am thrilled to be part of a community that is constantly innovating and pushing the boundaries. I cannot wait to see what the future holds as we continue to advance this fascinating industry!

#FeedFeverChallange #BTC #crypto2023