Our World is not ideal, and #Crypto The world has not yet come. There is one significant feature of #Bitcoin , which is available to absolutely any person on Earth.

Think about it, people on the planet speak different languages, everyone has different values, different views, etc.

All We very often cannot understand each other because of this, for example, when translating ancient books, the meaning may change, since each translator can interpret this or that word, event in his own way ... and when you read this book, the meaning will be different from the idea author. Time and people change the meaning and meaning of any story to suit themselves....#BTC - this is mathematics which, like many hundreds of years ago, remained unchanged, with any translation, any event, and over any amount of time. Exact sciences accepted in the world such as mathematics, geometry, etc. are clear to any engineer who sees these formulas, inscriptions, theorems and the like, because everyone knows that 1+1=2, that H2O is WATER, etc... Add to this #blockchain bitcoin , the veracity of which has been confirmed by different people from different parts of the world. Those who will write the history of Bitcoin will create the history of people for their descendants, and these creators are you and me.