Multisignature (multisig) wallets are a type of cryptocurrency wallet that require multiple signatures or approvals before a transaction can be executed. This provides an extra layer of security and helps prevent unauthorized access to funds.

In a traditional cryptocurrency wallet, a single private key is used to control access to funds. This means that if someone gains access to the private key, they can potentially steal all the funds in the wallet. Multisig wallets solve this problem by requiring multiple signatures, which can be provided by different people or devices.

The most common type of multisig wallet requires two of three signatures to approve a transaction. For example, a company might set up a multisig wallet with three signers: the CEO, the CFO, and an external auditor. In order for a transaction to be executed, at least two of the three signers must approve it.

Multisig wallets can also be set up with more than three signers, and different combinations of signatures can be required depending on the specific needs of the wallet owner. For example, a company might set up a multisig wallet with five signers, requiring at least four signatures to approve a transaction.

Multisig wallets are commonly used by cryptocurrency exchanges, large companies, and other organizations that hold significant amounts of cryptocurrency. They provide an extra layer of security and help prevent unauthorized access to funds in the event of a security breach or other security incident.

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