How early is the BTC ecosystem?
🟥BTC Ecosystem USD 3.2 billion (ARC20 BRC20) 0.222%
🟧BTC market value 710 billion US dollars 49.285%
🟩ETH Ecosystem 270 billion US dollars (ERC20 Top50) 18.395%
🟦ETH 234.8 billion US dollars 16.299%
⬜️Total crypto market capitalization 1,440.6 billion US dollars 100%
Among them, the ETH ecology uses the total market value of the top 50 erc20, excluding the market value of NFT and the remaining 1,200 erc20 tokens; the data comes from ethercan
The estimated market value used by BRC20 is US$3.2 billion; (coingecko data is not timely enough)
The remaining numbers are from coingecko;