According to Odaily, David Hoffman, the founder of Bankless, has reported on platform X that the number of daily active addresses on Arbitrum has exceeded 779,000. This represents a 12% increase within 24 hours, placing Arbitrum at the top of Layer 2 (L2) networks.

Arbitrum, a Layer 2 scaling solution, has been gaining traction due to its ability to handle a higher volume of transactions, thereby reducing congestion and fees on the Ethereum network. The surge in daily active addresses indicates a growing user base and increased activity on the platform.

David Hoffman's report on platform X highlights the rapid growth and popularity of Arbitrum among users. The 12% increase in daily active addresses within a single day demonstrates the platform's growing appeal and its position as a leader among L2 networks. The data suggests that more users are turning to Arbitrum for its scalability solutions, contributing to its rise in the rankings.

However, it's important to note that while Arbitrum's growth is impressive, the landscape of Layer 2 solutions is competitive and constantly evolving. Other platforms may also experience similar growth in the future. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether Arbitrum can maintain its leading position in the long term.