According to U.Today, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin's recent comments on free speech within the Ethereum community have sparked a wave of criticism. Regular users of the platform have expressed their dissatisfaction, citing instances of censorship and manipulation by influential figures within the community. This backlash highlights a significant disconnect between Buterin's vision of open discourse and the reality faced by users.

Many users shared their negative experiences with Ethereum influencers, pointing out that meaningful discussions are often avoided. One user questioned, 'Do they ever discuss ETH/BTC chart?' implying that important topics are often overlooked. Another user shared their experience of being blocked by numerous Ethereum influencers due to their criticisms. These experiences underscore the perceived culture of censorship within the Ethereum community.

Comments criticizing the mainstream culture of censorship and manipulation within the Ethereum community were prevalent. One user pointed out that this issue of silencing dissenting voices is not unique to Ethereum, but is widespread across the decentralized web space, including the Web3 industry.

The backlash also included personal anecdotes of times when Ethereum fees were high, and any influential figure in the Ethereum community would silence anyone who criticized it. This frustration felt by many users when trying to engage in critical discussions about Ethereum's shortcomings indicates that the community might not be as open and accepting as Buterin portrays it.

However, it's worth noting that the Ethereum community, like any other crypto community, is fundamentally open, allowing anyone to express their thoughts and opinions on public forums. Users also have the freedom to mute anyone they disagree with.