According to Foresight News, Arcium, an on-chain privacy computing project, has released its roadmap, which includes four stages. The first stage involves the launch of an incentivized private testnet, where a group of early builders will lay the foundation for the Arcium network.

The second stage will see the launch of the public testnet Arc 1, which will bring the first wave of users to the Arcium ecosystem, initiate the first set of validators, and introduce the first application.

The third stage will introduce the public testnet Arc 2, focusing on the network's staking mechanism. This stage will allow users to delegate staking and release the first round of pilot applications for traditional industries such as healthcare, scientific research, and finance.

The fourth and final stage before the mainnet launch will be the introduction of the public testnet Arc 3, which will integrate all stages. This comprehensive roadmap outlines Arcium's strategic plan for the development and implementation of its on-chain privacy computing project.