According to Foresight News, the annual ZPrize competition, aimed at promoting the use and development of zero-knowledge cryptography, has announced this year's winners. The winners list is a valuable reference for those seeking potential projects in the ZK field.

In the FPGA and GPU track, Marco of @StorSwift won Prize 1A (GPU acceleration). The winner achieved a speed of 430 ms in the competition for accelerating scalar multiplication operations on the GPU, an improvement of 17.5% on the benchmark. The StorSwift team is dedicated to maintaining the forefront of blockchain security and privacy technology, promoting the development of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology, and ensuring the security and privacy of blockchain transactions and applications. They have established enduring technical partnerships with Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA, exploring scalable computing platforms and heterogeneous computing in distributed and edge computing.

Special nominations in this category went to Yrrid Software and @Snarkify_ZKP. Yrrid Software won Prize 1B (FPGA). In the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) track, Yrrid Software delivered the fastest average implementation. Yrrid is a small company dedicated to quality engineering, founded in 1992. The ZPrize submission was completed by three engineers with over 20 years of software development experience.

In the WASM (Accelerated Elliptic Curve Operations and Finite Field Arithmetic) track, Yrrid Software and @Snarkify_ZKP won Prize 2A. The winners achieved a speed of 940 MS, a 150-fold improvement on the benchmark. Snarkify's main product is Snarkify Cloud, a cloud-based Function as a Service (FaaS) platform designed for ZK developers. The service allows ZK applications to be deployed to the cloud with one click, allowing developers to focus on their application logic, with all infrastructure and maintenance work handled by the Snarkify team.

In the high-throughput signature verification track, Prize 3 was jointly won by ZProof and the PolyU Team.