According to Foresight News, Pendle, a yield trading protocol, has announced the launch of a new sUSDe pool. The pool is set to expire on July 25, 2024, and will provide 20 times Sats in addition to USDe staking rewards daily. The existing sUSDe pool is nearing its expiration date of April 25, 2024.

sUSDe is the staked version of Ethena's synthetic dollar USDe. The introduction of this new pool is expected to provide more options for users to earn rewards from their staked assets. However, the specifics of the rewards and the exact mechanisms of the new pool have not been detailed in the announcement.

The yield trading protocol Pendle has been actively working on providing innovative solutions for its users. The launch of the new sUSDe pool is a part of their ongoing efforts to enhance the user experience and provide more opportunities for earning rewards. The nearing expiration of the existing sUSDe pool also indicates the need for new pools to ensure continuous rewards for the users.