According to the Binance blog, Binance recently worked with the Royal Thai Police to successfully crack down on criminal networks involved in large-scale virtual currency fraud. The two major operations resulted in the arrest of major criminals and the seizure of a large amount of assets, further consolidating Binance's commitment to global cybersecurity and regulatory compliance.

Recently, Binance and the Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Bureau of the Royal Thai Police successfully dismantled a "pig killing" scam, seizing assets worth approximately $277 million. In another operation, Binance assisted in the capture of suspects involved in three provinces in Thailand, seizing 16 luxury homes, 12 high-end vehicles and cash equivalent to $440,000.

Binance’s investigation team actively supports law enforcement agencies around the world in their fight against cybercrime, providing critical intelligence and expertise. This collaboration is a key element of Binance’s ongoing efforts to enhance user security and maintain regulatory compliance in the digital asset ecosystem.

The Royal Thai Police stated that Binance is an important ally in the fight against fraud and cybercrime, and they value this partnership and look forward to it continuing.