Christopher Lloyd, known for his role in 'Back to the Future,' has teamed up with DeLorean to launch the Time Capsule series of digital collectibles. DeLorean Labs president Evan Kuhn stated that the collection marks DeLorean's entry into the digital realm, emphasizing the brand's focus on futurism and counterculture. The Time Capsule promo, directed by Allan Ungar, features Lloyd paying homage to his character Doc Emmett Brown, with references to the original DeLorean car and Web3 technology. Fans can register on for a chance to obtain limited edition physical Time Capsules or digital collectibles. Prizes include a new DeLorean EV, F1 experience packages, and more. The Time Capsule collection, launched in partnership with the Sui Foundation, saw 800 digital collectibles claimed in just 32 minutes. Additional claim windows are scheduled, with the full collection set for a grand reveal in December 2024. Read more AI-generated news on: