📊 What are the basics of online trading?
📊 The term online trading means buying and selling a financial instrument based on its price value, i.e. trading the value of the instrument without having to own it physically. As for the mechanism for making profits, it is represented by what is known as "points", which refers to the difference between the two prices of the instrument when opening the deal and when closing it.
🌱 Online trading platforms provide the ability to access a large number of financial markets and trade multiple categories of assets listed in them, including the following:
⏺ Forex trading (currency pairs).
⏺ Stock trading.
⏺ Indices trading.
⏺ Commodity trading.
⏺ Precious metals trading.
⏺ Cryptocurrency trading.
🔵 The instruments differ and vary, but they are traded through very similar mechanisms, which is why when experts provide trading advice, they are comprehensive for different types of trading and categories of financial assets.
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