The Hamster Kombat team just dropped an exciting hint in their latest post on Telegram, stating that "Things are in motion." This teaser has sparked conversations throughout the community, especially after the recent updates on token allocations and upcoming airdrop distributions.
With the airdrop snapshots already completed, players and investors alike are eagerly awaiting the next steps. Here’s why the phrase "Things are in motion" might hold deeper meaning:
1. Finalizing Token Allocations: After months of anticipation, the Hamster Kombat team has started moving forward with distributing tokens to eligible users. With the token launch scheduled for September 26, this statement could hint at the imminent listing and unlocking of funds.
2. New Features and Game Modes: The project has promised exciting updates in Season 2. The phrase likely suggests that the platform is gearing up for major announcements, potentially unveiling new gameplay modes, features, or even rewards.
3. Community Trust and Road Ahead: Given the previous delays in the airdrop, the community has had its share of concerns. However, this update seems to aim at restoring faith and signaling that the team is actively working on the roadmap they had promised.
Stay tuned, as we might see more updates and features rolled out in the coming days!