Solana SOL Technical Analysis
Solana Coin Price Prediction and Technical Analysis
Year Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2023 $21.65 $22.32 $25.66
2024 $23.81 $24.55 $28.23
2025 $26.19 $27.00 $31.05
2026 $28.81 $29.70 $34.16
SOL coin traders rely on several indicators and technical analysis to determine future price predictions. While following all indicators is necessary to assess an accurate price prediction that matches the market trend, there are more valuable fundamental indicators. Knowing the Solana support and resistance levels gives traders a clear view of the supply and demand situation and also helps them identify reversals in trends.
In addition, chart patterns are widely used by traders to form trend lines that help predict the next candlestick movement.
Various indicators such as RSI, moving averages and MACD can be used to determine the direction of the long-term trend and attempt to predict future price movement.