UTXO Age Band is interesting to discuss because this indicator provides information about wallet transactions based on the age of the coins in it. Some wallets have new coins, while others have old stored coins.
By identifying via UTXO Age Band, we can analyze Bitcoin transactions based on the age of Bitcoin in the wallet for buying and selling purposes.
Short-term holders with coins aged between 1 day to 18 months appear to have regular transaction patterns. There must be sales transactions, but not in large amounts. It can be seen from the index moving sideways.
Meanwhile, long-term holders with coin ages between 18 months to 2 years and 5 to 7 years appear to be more active in transactions. The total value for the 18 month to 2 year age group is quite large, namely $81,500,046,214.22 or Rp. 1,265,271,917,463,107.25 (more than one trillion in Rupiah).
With significant value, personally, I see $BTC entering a bull run phase at least 3 to 6 months after the halving, which is predicted to occur in March 2024.