Shock bomb is coming!!!

Bitcoin keeps falling, panic spreads! Can $55,000 be a life-saving straw?

Today, the entire currency circle is filled with a gloomy fog, and almost everyone is bearish on BTC!

Even those experienced and skilled investment masters have lost their principal, and the panic has spread rapidly like a plague, and the severity is beyond imagination.

Let's review the previous bull markets. When Bitcoin entered the main rising wave stage, the biggest retracement was only to the monthly EMA9 to stop the decline and turn upward.

At present, the position of the monthly EMA9 is around $55,000.

In my opinion, the current situation is likely to be a callback after the first wave of the main rising wave.

So, can the vicinity of $55,000 become a solid line of defense to prevent BTC from continuing to fall, so as to stop the decline and stabilize?

As for whether it will be a good situation of reversal or just a short rebound, everything depends on the subsequent development trend.

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