Different coins, based on their liquidity, have various tiers each with individual borrowing limits.The higher the debt, the lower the maximum leverage that can be used, and the higher the corresponding maintenance margin rate and minimum initial margin rate.
Cross Margin Pro Margin Level = âNet Equity / âMaintenance Margin,Please refer to FAQ for detailed information.
The user borrowed 13 BTC and 13 ETH. Suppose that BTC price = 30,000 USDT and ETH = 3,000 USDT, then the required Initial Margin and Maintenance Margin are calculated as follows:
⢠USDT value of BTC Liability = 13 * 30,000 = 390,000, which falls in Tier 3. USDT value of ETH Liability = 13 * 3,000 = 39,000, which falls in Tier 2.
⢠Required âInitial Margin =âInitial Margin required by BTC liability + âInitial Margin required by ETH liability= 50,000*11.12%+(100,000-50,000)*14.29%+(390,000-100,000)*20%+ 30,000*11.12%+(39,000-30,000)*14.29% = 75,327.1 USDT
⢠Required Maintenance Margin = âMaintenance Margin required by BTC liability + âMaintenance Margin required by ETH liability = 50,000*5%+(100,000-50,000)*7%+(390,000-100,000)*8%+ 30,000*5%+(39,000-30,000)*7% = 31,330 USDT
⢠Required Maintenance Margin can also be calculated in a faster way by using the Maintenance Amount. Liability token Maintenance Margin = Token Liability in USDT* Maintenance Margin Rate - Maintenance Amount. So the Required Maintenance Margin = âMaintenance Margin required by BTC liability + âMaintenance Margin required by ETH liability= (390,000*8% - 2,000) + (39,000*7% - 600) = 31,330 USDT