According to Odaily, Manta Network's anime-style AI + MEME project, Bebop, has initiated a fair launch using the ORE mode. Once users connect their wallets, they will receive an automatically assigned address. By transferring at least 0.001 ETH to this address and clicking 'Start Minting', they can mine through their local hardware and participate in the fair emission of the project's tokens.

The project's tokens do not have a fixed total amount. After a one-month mining cycle, the number of tokens mined will become the final total amount. This innovative approach allows for a fair and equitable distribution of tokens, ensuring that all participants have an equal opportunity to contribute to and benefit from the project.

The use of ORE mode for the launch signifies a shift towards more user-friendly and accessible methods of token distribution. This method allows users to actively participate in the mining process, providing a more interactive and engaging experience. The Bebop project's adoption of this method could potentially set a precedent for future projects, encouraging a more inclusive and democratic approach to token distribution.