According to PANews, Christine Kim, the Vice President of Research at Galaxy, has summarized the 131st Ethereum core developer consensus (ACDC) conference call. During the meeting, developers discussed and coordinated changes to the Ethereum Consensus Layer (CL). Two topics related to the Deneb upgrade were briefly discussed, including clarifications on the 'voluntary_exits' field in the CL network specifications and the increased Ethereum block loss due to last week's network interruption.

Developers also shared the implementation status of four Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) that have been approved for inclusion in the Electra upgrade. These include EIP-6110, which adds validator deposit information to the block structure of the execution layer to simplify the work of the consensus layer; EIP-7002, which allows the execution layer to trigger exits; EIP-7549, which removes the committee index from attestation; and EIP-7251, which increases the maximum effective balance.

At the same time, developers are still considering including EIP 7547 in Electra. In addition, developers are continuing to develop peerDAS. PeerDAS represents a new design for validators to verify blob data, allowing validators to process more blobs on each block. Developers suggest that client teams allocate approximately 80% of their resources and time to implementing Electra EIPs, and 20% to peerDAS development.