XRP Price Prediction in the End of 2023?
Recently on coin Gecko xrp reached at rank 4 on top Coins with +67% gain in last 24 Hours .
current price of xrp is $0.793836
annually base 147% in gain and in last 14 days xrp gain 66%.
it's means that $XRP is most bullish !
Now Question is that what will be the price of xrp in the End of this year?
as per Changelly website that in the month xrp will maximum trade at $0.590 maximum and minimum it can go $0.508 but from its recently pump xrp ripple already broken this record .
As per my opinion in the End of the year 2023 XRP will be trading above $1 .
in last do not consider this as a financial advice always do your own research before any investment .
Happy Trading 🙃