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Driving innovation in the crypto realm with the BRC-20 token project ARKB | 加密货币探险家 | 区块链迷 | 用数据解密市场 | 助力大家在数字资产SATS中找到机会和冒险的乐趣 | 比特币铭文brc-20的ARKB值得关注。
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如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,中间位置就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat或0k市场搜索arkb进行交易。 #ARKB #brc20 #etcs #ezbc #drex $BTC $BNB $SOL



#ARKB #brc20 #etcs #ezbc #drex $BTC $BNB $SOL
$BNB 如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat或0k市场搜索arkb进行交易。 #pepe #BTC #ETH #ordi #sats $BTC $BNB
$BNB 如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat或0k市场搜索arkb进行交易。
#pepe #BTC #ETH #ordi #sats $BTC $BNB
🔥 Limited Time Alert! 🔥 BTC•TRUMP•RUNES has climbed to #2 in @unisat's sales ranking TODAY! ⏳ This hot collection is flying off the shelves. Act fast to grab your own before they're gone! 🚀 #Crypto #Bitcoin #BTCRunes #Unisat #TrendingNow #Megadrop $BTC
🔥 Limited Time Alert! 🔥
BTC•TRUMP•RUNES has climbed to #2 in @unisat's sales ranking TODAY! ⏳ This hot collection is flying off the shelves. Act fast to grab your own before they're gone! 🚀
#Crypto #Bitcoin #BTCRunes #Unisat #TrendingNow

一个思想成熟的人大概率是不受欢迎的,在浅薄的世界里深度是一种罪过。遍地幼稚的时候,成熟一定是排挤和打压的对象。所以一个思想深刻的人,一定尝尽了人间的冷暖,历经了世事的浮沉,看透了世界的本质。他们在被社会毒打之后,一种变得不再循规蹈矩,用自己已经升维的认知混得风生水起。另一种坚守自己的原则,逐渐远离喧嚣人群,在寻求精神独立的同时走向了一事无成。 #ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC
#ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC
Discover MINERS•BTC•RUNES, the cornerstone for Bitcoin miners seeking a payment system rooted in fairness and transparency. Join our community and be part of the movement towards decentralized payments on the Bitcoin blockchain! #Bitcoin #MinersCommunity #PaymentRevolution #minersbtcrunes $BTC
Discover MINERS•BTC•RUNES, the cornerstone for Bitcoin miners seeking a payment system rooted in fairness and transparency. Join our community and be part of the movement towards decentralized payments on the Bitcoin blockchain! #Bitcoin #MinersCommunity #PaymentRevolution

#minersbtcrunes $BTC
MINERS•BTC•RUNES: Where Bitcoin miners lead the charge towards a fairer, more transparent payment system. Join our project and help shape the future of blockchain transactions! #BTC #BitcoinMiners #DecentralizedPayments #minersbtcrunes $BTC
MINERS•BTC•RUNES: Where Bitcoin miners lead the charge towards a fairer, more transparent payment system. Join our project and help shape the future of blockchain transactions! #BTC #BitcoinMiners #DecentralizedPayments

$BTC 大牛市到来之前, 各个国家都出了相关的政策法规, 各个国家都陆续推出了Bitcoin ETF等, 各个国家都在筹备本国的法定货币的数字货币CBDC, 各个国家都有没收、征税、罚款、储备大量的比特币, 各个国家都有可控的、受到监管的、足够电能的比特币矿场, 各个国家都制定了长期的经济策略,RWA、STO 等核心赛道可控可监管。 #ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC
$BTC 大牛市到来之前,


各个国家都陆续推出了Bitcoin ETF等,




各个国家都制定了长期的经济策略,RWA、STO 等核心赛道可控可监管。
#ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC
工商银行500万余额,每日取现2万,他即使想全部取出来,也要250天8个月才可以拿到手! 而且每天都取钱,银行、警察肯定也会找上门,让他提供资金来源证明。 #ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC

#ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC
一个家族代代贫穷的原因终于找到了1、整个家族里找不出一个格局大,眼光独到的老人引路。因为历史原因,家族没有做生意的,做教育或者做官的,全是打工人,老人没有魄力和能力,更不懂得知识的作用,一辈子没有持续学习,倚老卖老。年轻人如果有事业的一些想法,老人无法给予正确的支持和合理地评估风险,往往都会来一句:“我吃过的盐比你走过的路都多!”“不要瞎折腾,安安稳稳够吃够喝就行!”2、知道教育重要,但不认为有那么重要。家族里的人,有文化的不多,对教育的认知知道重要,但从骨子里还是对知识没有产生敬畏!过不好,赚不到钱,都觉得是运气不好,命中注定!宁愿外出打工多赚一点点的薪水,把孩子交给老年人带,也不愿意在家把孩子的教育抓抓紧,或者自我提升去学习,因为他们根本理解不了教育的长期价值。3、对金融知识一窍不通除了依靠体力,或者时间所换取金钱,其他任何形式的股票,基金,房产等投资收益都认为是投机取巧,不踏实。那种通过金融,资源,杠杆等赚钱模式已经严重超出了他们的认知范围。4、“等,靠,要”思想毒瘤习惯性依靠思维,在家靠父母,在外靠朋友,生孩子也是想靠孩子,很少想到自己就是自己的救世主,什么事情做不成,总是从外界找原因。5、长辈挥霍时间和健康,晚辈加倍偿还家族中的长辈年轻时候只顾苦力赚钱,不去考虑健康,不去学习知识,提升认知,改变赚钱的方式,最终以牺牲健康来换钱,等老了一身病,到时不仅自己的那点积蓄不够,还要晚辈付出巨大的时间,金钱,精力成本来照顾。6、亲情疏散,不团结家里面的兄弟姐妹,都是各干各的,力量分散,形成不了合力,甚至不团结,一盘散沙。7、 缺乏提升认知和改变命运的条件受环境影响,大部分人都局限在自己的原生家庭的思维方式影响之下,很难突破自己的思维限制,最后再加上家庭物质上的匮乏,更难接触上层的社会,接触不到精英人士,又不爱读书,最终和父辈一样,以出卖劳力和时间为生。8、 不喜欢麻烦别人,缺少高阶的人脉很多穷人特别喜欢说自己不喜欢麻烦别人,表面上好像是自己领得情,不去给别人添麻烦,其实深层次的想法,大部分都是不想别人再来麻烦自己。


1、整个家族里找不出一个格局大,眼光独到的老人引路。因为历史原因,家族没有做生意的,做教育或者做官的,全是打工人,老人没有魄力和能力,更不懂得知识的作用,一辈子没有持续学习,倚老卖老。年轻人如果有事业的一些想法,老人无法给予正确的支持和合理地评估风险,往往都会来一句:“我吃过的盐比你走过的路都多!”“不要瞎折腾,安安稳稳够吃够喝就行!”2、知道教育重要,但不认为有那么重要。家族里的人,有文化的不多,对教育的认知知道重要,但从骨子里还是对知识没有产生敬畏!过不好,赚不到钱,都觉得是运气不好,命中注定!宁愿外出打工多赚一点点的薪水,把孩子交给老年人带,也不愿意在家把孩子的教育抓抓紧,或者自我提升去学习,因为他们根本理解不了教育的长期价值。3、对金融知识一窍不通除了依靠体力,或者时间所换取金钱,其他任何形式的股票,基金,房产等投资收益都认为是投机取巧,不踏实。那种通过金融,资源,杠杆等赚钱模式已经严重超出了他们的认知范围。4、“等,靠,要”思想毒瘤习惯性依靠思维,在家靠父母,在外靠朋友,生孩子也是想靠孩子,很少想到自己就是自己的救世主,什么事情做不成,总是从外界找原因。5、长辈挥霍时间和健康,晚辈加倍偿还家族中的长辈年轻时候只顾苦力赚钱,不去考虑健康,不去学习知识,提升认知,改变赚钱的方式,最终以牺牲健康来换钱,等老了一身病,到时不仅自己的那点积蓄不够,还要晚辈付出巨大的时间,金钱,精力成本来照顾。6、亲情疏散,不团结家里面的兄弟姐妹,都是各干各的,力量分散,形成不了合力,甚至不团结,一盘散沙。7、 缺乏提升认知和改变命运的条件受环境影响,大部分人都局限在自己的原生家庭的思维方式影响之下,很难突破自己的思维限制,最后再加上家庭物质上的匮乏,更难接触上层的社会,接触不到精英人士,又不爱读书,最终和父辈一样,以出卖劳力和时间为生。8、 不喜欢麻烦别人,缺少高阶的人脉很多穷人特别喜欢说自己不喜欢麻烦别人,表面上好像是自己领得情,不去给别人添麻烦,其实深层次的想法,大部分都是不想别人再来麻烦自己。
#Runes vs #BRC20 While both #Runes and #BRC20 allow for creating fungible tokens on #Bitcoin , they take very different approaches. Blockchain efficiency: #Runes leverages #Bitcoin 's existing #UTXO model, keeping its data footprint small. #BRC20, on the other hand, is based on the #Ordinal Theory, which requires complex procedures. Ease of use: #Runes boasts a simpler system that integrates with existing #Bitcoin  tools. #BRC20 relies on #Ordinals, a more complex technical concept requiring additional knowledge. Security: #Runes has a built-in mechanism to eliminate poorly formed tokens, promoting a cleaner and safer environment. #BRC20s issuance process can lead to "junk data" on the blockchain. #ETFvsBTC #ETH $BTC
#Runes vs #BRC20
While both #Runes and #BRC20 allow for creating fungible tokens on #Bitcoin , they take very different approaches.

Blockchain efficiency: #Runes leverages #Bitcoin 's existing #UTXO model, keeping its data footprint small. #BRC20, on the other hand, is based on the #Ordinal Theory, which requires complex procedures.

Ease of use: #Runes boasts a simpler system that integrates with existing #Bitcoin  tools. #BRC20 relies on #Ordinals, a more complex technical concept requiring additional knowledge.

Security: #Runes has a built-in mechanism to eliminate poorly formed tokens, promoting a cleaner and safer environment. #BRC20s issuance process can lead to "junk data" on the blockchain.
1、当前RUNES 协议,已经逐渐成为了 BTC生态的资产发行协议标准, 因为RUNES跟 BTC共享去中心化性跟安全性, 这点是其它公链所不具备的, 包括BTC L2层协议也无法做到 像RUNES协议这么安全跟去中心化, 根据LEO的描述, RUNES 当前至少还有515倍的市值增长才能符合正常的市值逻辑(参考以太坊的ERC20 资产发行协议) 2、 最终RUNES协议的总市值 取决于BTC的市值,大概市值会占到BTC市值的2分之一左右,距离当前大概还有2000倍的潜力 BTC•TRUMP•RUNES是一个trump粉丝部署的比特币runes项目。我们追求的是公平、透明和去中心化的比特币生态。比特币爱好者向trump致敬。 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #Megadrop #ETFvsBTC #btctrumprunes $BTC
1、当前RUNES 协议,已经逐渐成为了 BTC生态的资产发行协议标准, 因为RUNES跟 BTC共享去中心化性跟安全性, 这点是其它公链所不具备的, 包括BTC L2层协议也无法做到 像RUNES协议这么安全跟去中心化, 根据LEO的描述, RUNES 当前至少还有515倍的市值增长才能符合正常的市值逻辑(参考以太坊的ERC20 资产发行协议)

2、 最终RUNES协议的总市值 取决于BTC的市值,大概市值会占到BTC市值的2分之一左右,距离当前大概还有2000倍的潜力

#Meme币你看好哪一个? #Megadrop #ETFvsBTC #btctrumprunes $BTC
$BTC 我为什么建议大家适时离场,韭菜变得很聪明,个个声称要熬死狗庄。以前一个币死拿能从1涨到100,涨100倍。 现在狗庄也学聪明了,一个币就从1拉到5,然后跌回1再拉到5,再砸回1再拉到5。狗庄赚了125倍,你5倍。 所以你看懂了吗? 而且你也不一定能赚5倍,中间无数回调吊打你心态。 #ETFvsBTC #Megadrop #ETH $BTC $BNB
$BTC 我为什么建议大家适时离场,韭菜变得很聪明,个个声称要熬死狗庄。以前一个币死拿能从1涨到100,涨100倍。
#ETFvsBTC #Megadrop #ETH $BTC $BNB
上一轮牛市随便买点bn的launchpad的山寨 一出来市值才几千万 上一轮的爆款 sand axs 都是百倍, 接盘etc 那种二级垃圾b 都能赚到十几 几十倍 连eos 都有个几倍涨幅 上一轮至少都会拉盘 熊市才螺旋 现在的情况是vc b 上所 出来就是 10亿 20亿市值 ,哪里有什么空间,今年进圈的韭菜真的是惨 ,二级直接挂在山顶 搞所谓的价值投资,去链上冲土狗 寿命还有一天,要么被群友pvp,项目方各种老鼠仓 搞空投也是炒冷饭,被各种项目方pua 反撸,很难有2020-2021年 uni dydx 那种大毛 真的是最穷的牛市 #BTC走势分析 #etc减产 #ETH #香港加密货币ETF #Megadrop $BTC $BNB
上一轮的爆款 sand axs 都是百倍,
接盘etc 那种二级垃圾b 都能赚到十几 几十倍
连eos 都有个几倍涨幅
上一轮至少都会拉盘 熊市才螺旋

现在的情况是vc b 上所 出来就是 10亿 20亿市值 ,哪里有什么空间,今年进圈的韭菜真的是惨 ,二级直接挂在山顶 搞所谓的价值投资,去链上冲土狗 寿命还有一天,要么被群友pvp,项目方各种老鼠仓
搞空投也是炒冷饭,被各种项目方pua 反撸,很难有2020-2021年 uni dydx 那种大毛


#BTC走势分析 #etc减产 #ETH #香港加密货币ETF #Megadrop $BTC $BNB
$BTC 去年去香港参加活动,路上碰到一对大陆夫妻说没钱吃饭,我虽然想过他们是不是会对我“下手”?但还是小心的跟着他们去帮他们结了两碗面钱。 刚刚在深圳碰到一位唱歌的中年妇女,我凑近一看,前面立着求助信息。我没有犹豫就给转了一点钱,“管它真的假的,捐就完了。至少她歌唱得还不错,也算是打赏了”我对朋友说。 我只是不想变得麻木,我只是不想看到这个社会如此冷漠,我只是相信对“真善美”的追求要从小事做起。 #ETFvsBTC #Megadrop #ETH $BTC
$BTC 去年去香港参加活动,路上碰到一对大陆夫妻说没钱吃饭,我虽然想过他们是不是会对我“下手”?但还是小心的跟着他们去帮他们结了两碗面钱。


#ETFvsBTC #Megadrop #ETH $BTC
Experience the epitome of excellence with BTC•TRUMP•RUNES – a haven for connoisseurs of Bitcoin and admirers of Trump. Join our exclusive community and contribute to a future defined by fairness, transparency, and decentralization in the crypto world. #BTC #TRUMP #RUNES #btctrumprunes $BTC
Experience the epitome of excellence with BTC•TRUMP•RUNES – a haven for connoisseurs of Bitcoin and admirers of Trump. Join our exclusive community and contribute to a future defined by fairness, transparency, and decentralization in the crypto world. #BTC #TRUMP #RUNES
#btctrumprunes $BTC
我总说现金资本是最廉价的资本,因为好项目从来不可能缺钱。人类社会真正的稀缺资源是:人才、信息、土地、影响力、算力。而这几项资源随时可以变成现金,但是现金大部分时候根本买不到这些非卖品。而如果非要用金钱来衡量一个人的能量的话,他所能腾挪和驾驭的最大资金量,才是唯一的标准。 每个人都有三个钱包,第一个是你钱包里的钱,第二个是你能影响的别人钱包里的钱,第三个是别人认为你钱包里有的钱。钱是给别人看的,不是给人花的。 #ETH #BTC #香港加密货币ETF $BTC

#ETH #BTC #香港加密货币ETF $BTC
不要被这个圈子提出的什么A9、A10的概念带偏,这是“死人”的想法。衡量一个人的财富水平,从来不靠银行卡上趴着的现金数量。现金是士兵,作为将军,你要学会如何让每一块钱为你打仗,甚至是加着杠杆为你战斗。我银行卡里从来不会有超过30W余额,我只需要保证我老婆和我饿不死就好了,其他的钱都在比特币生态的铭文和符文里面。 #ETH #BTC #runesxbitcoins #DECENTRALIZEDX #AUTHORIZATION $BTC
特朗普宣布开始接受加密货币的总统竞选捐款 年初时就分析,本轮美国大选,肯定会靠支持加密货币来进行拉票,没想到总统候选人速度比想象中要快,距离总统大选还有半年时间,现在就已经开始画大饼,出政策,拉选票了,这种宣传布道有利于群众提高对加密货币的认知,从而吸引更多资金进行币圈 BTC•TRUMP•RUNES是一个trump粉丝部署的比特币runes项目。追求的是公平、透明和去中心化的比特币生态。比特币爱好者向trump致敬。 #btctrumprunes #runes #DECENTRALIZEDX #AUTHORIZATION $BTC


BTC•TRUMP•RUNES: Honoring Trump Fans in the Bitcoin CommunityIn the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, where innovation and ideology intersect, a unique initiative has emerged – BTC•TRUMP•RUNES. This Bitcoin runes project, deployed by fans of Trump, aims to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and decentralization within the Bitcoin ecosystem. In this article, we delve into the significance of BTC•TRUMP•RUNES as a symbol of homage to Trump within the Bitcoin community, and its impact on the broader landscape of cryptocurrency. At its core, BTC•TRUMP•RUNES embodies the ethos of decentralization – a cornerstone of the Bitcoin movement. By leveraging blockchain technology and the power of runes, this project seeks to empower individuals and promote a more transparent and equitable financial system. But what sets BTC•TRUMP•RUNES apart is its unique tribute to Trump, a figure who has garnered a significant following and polarized opinions within the political sphere. The decision to align a Bitcoin project with a political figure like Trump may raise eyebrows, but it reflects the diversity of perspectives within the cryptocurrency community. For some, Trump represents a symbol of disruption and anti-establishment sentiment – qualities that resonate with the ethos of Bitcoin itself. By paying homage to Trump through BTC•TRUMP•RUNES, supporters aim to express their admiration for his perceived principles of freedom and independence. However, it's essential to recognize that BTC•TRUMP•RUNES is not just about political allegiance; it's about celebrating the decentralized nature of Bitcoin and the community that surrounds it. In a world where financial systems are often centralized and opaque, projects like BTC•TRUMP•RUNES serve as a reminder of the power of grassroots movements and individual empowerment. The symbolism of Trump within the Bitcoin community extends beyond mere politics. It represents a broader cultural phenomenon – a rejection of traditional power structures and a call for greater individual sovereignty. Through BTC•TRUMP•RUNES, supporters aim to carve out a space within the cryptocurrency landscape where they can express their beliefs and ideals freely, without fear of censorship or reprisal. Despite its ideological underpinnings, BTC•TRUMP•RUNES faces its share of challenges and criticisms. Some may question the wisdom of intertwining a political figure with a decentralized technology like Bitcoin, while others may view it as a divisive move that alienates potential users. However, it's essential to recognize that diversity of thought is what makes the cryptocurrency community vibrant and resilient. In conclusion, BTC•TRUMP•RUNES represents more than just a Bitcoin runes project; it's a symbol of homage, empowerment, and ideological diversity within the cryptocurrency community. While its association with Trump may spark debate and controversy, its underlying principles of fairness, transparency, and decentralization remain steadfast. As Bitcoin continues to evolve and shape the future of finance, projects like BTC•TRUMP•RUNES serve as a testament to the power of decentralized technologies and the individuals who harness them for positive change. #ETH #BTC #btctrumpeunes $BTC

BTC•TRUMP•RUNES: Honoring Trump Fans in the Bitcoin Community

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, where innovation and ideology intersect, a unique initiative has emerged – BTC•TRUMP•RUNES. This Bitcoin runes project, deployed by fans of Trump, aims to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and decentralization within the Bitcoin ecosystem. In this article, we delve into the significance of BTC•TRUMP•RUNES as a symbol of homage to Trump within the Bitcoin community, and its impact on the broader landscape of cryptocurrency.
At its core, BTC•TRUMP•RUNES embodies the ethos of decentralization – a cornerstone of the Bitcoin movement. By leveraging blockchain technology and the power of runes, this project seeks to empower individuals and promote a more transparent and equitable financial system. But what sets BTC•TRUMP•RUNES apart is its unique tribute to Trump, a figure who has garnered a significant following and polarized opinions within the political sphere.

The decision to align a Bitcoin project with a political figure like Trump may raise eyebrows, but it reflects the diversity of perspectives within the cryptocurrency community. For some, Trump represents a symbol of disruption and anti-establishment sentiment – qualities that resonate with the ethos of Bitcoin itself. By paying homage to Trump through BTC•TRUMP•RUNES, supporters aim to express their admiration for his perceived principles of freedom and independence.

However, it's essential to recognize that BTC•TRUMP•RUNES is not just about political allegiance; it's about celebrating the decentralized nature of Bitcoin and the community that surrounds it. In a world where financial systems are often centralized and opaque, projects like BTC•TRUMP•RUNES serve as a reminder of the power of grassroots movements and individual empowerment.
The symbolism of Trump within the Bitcoin community extends beyond mere politics. It represents a broader cultural phenomenon – a rejection of traditional power structures and a call for greater individual sovereignty. Through BTC•TRUMP•RUNES, supporters aim to carve out a space within the cryptocurrency landscape where they can express their beliefs and ideals freely, without fear of censorship or reprisal.
Despite its ideological underpinnings, BTC•TRUMP•RUNES faces its share of challenges and criticisms. Some may question the wisdom of intertwining a political figure with a decentralized technology like Bitcoin, while others may view it as a divisive move that alienates potential users. However, it's essential to recognize that diversity of thought is what makes the cryptocurrency community vibrant and resilient.
In conclusion, BTC•TRUMP•RUNES represents more than just a Bitcoin runes project; it's a symbol of homage, empowerment, and ideological diversity within the cryptocurrency community. While its association with Trump may spark debate and controversy, its underlying principles of fairness, transparency, and decentralization remain steadfast. As Bitcoin continues to evolve and shape the future of finance, projects like BTC•TRUMP•RUNES serve as a testament to the power of decentralized technologies and the individuals who harness them for positive change.
#ETH #BTC #btctrumpeunes $BTC
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