Hi Binancians,

We're excited to announce that Binance Square's newest updates are now live in app version 2.81. For a smoother and more efficient browsing experience, we recommend updating your app. Here is a breakdown of our latest features:

  • Automatic Coin Detection

    Our system will instantly identify and link mentioned coins to their trading pages, enhancing content clarity and navigation. There are two scenarios:

    1. Manually Mentioned Coins: Whenever you include relevant coins in your text using the coins icon, they will be automatically linked to their trading pages.

    2. Automatic Detection: Our system proactively detects mentioned coins in your content and links them to their trading pages.

  • Trending Topics 

    Stay updated with Trending Topics! This feature allows users to explore the latest industry trends, share insights, and stay informed on market movements, all while staying connected to the community’s pulse.

  • One-Click access to ongoing Launchpad (Launchpool)

    Whenever creators share content about ongoing farming Launchpad or Launchpool projects, our system will automatically detect it and place a coin icon underneath. Clicking this icon redirects users directly to the Launchpad or Launchpool page, providing a seamless navigation experience.

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Follow the official Binance Square account to keep up with the latest news, features, and updates, and ensure you never miss important information.

Your opinion matters to us! If there's a product or feature you want to see implemented on Binance Square, don't hesitate to let us know. Submit your ideas through our customer support, and together, we'll work towards making Binance Square even better. Thank you for being a part of our community!