About Dogebot:

Hey there, welcome to the DOGEB0T gitbook.

DOGEB0T isn't just another meme token. It's like injecting meme culture with a shot of NFTs adrenaline, rewarding those who hold it with some seriously sweet perks.

We're all about building a buzzing community that's driving the DOGEB0T revolution into Solana ecosystem. So buckle up and join us for this wild ride as we dive into what sets DOGEB0T apart and sketch out our plans for taking the meme world and NFT space by storm!

Token Info:

Token Name: DOGEB0T ($DOB0)

Network: Solana (SOL)

Token Address: DVvW9PC4NuVvy5TtdfzB7PJDtWwh5Mz2Z88KUwzd5PeG

Audited contract: coinsult.net

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Decimals: 8

Freeze Authority: Revoked

Mint Authority: Revoked

Immutable Taxes: 0 - No taxes

Coinsult Audit: Work in progress

Token Distribution:

40% - Presale on Pinksale (+fees)

20% - Liquidity Pool

20% - Competition & Prices

10% - CEX Listing 1 (Booking)

10% - CEX Listing 2 (open)

5% - Marketing & Security (NFT audit)

Our Mission:

Step right into the DOGEB0T spaceship! My mission? To foster a wild, self-sustaining community orbiting the DOGE meme token, powered by decentralization. With the help of blockchain masters and smart contracts OGs, plus some seriously funky features like our NFT collection and staking, we let users be the travelers to our moon mission.

Our end mission? To make DOGEB0T the rockstar of the meme token universe, famous for our quirky, community-focused style. So, who's ready to join the robot army?

Competitions & Rewards:

Calling all space enthusiasts! Landing soon in Solana network!

Prepare for an exhilarating journey through the cosmos alongside the first robodogin Solana space, DOGEB0T!

Engage in our Daily Space Raids on Telegram and Twitter, where you'll support comunity expansion and earn points. These points unlock access to exclusive rewards, including cool unique roboNFTs, $DOB0, $SOL , and specialized DOGEB0T merchandise.

Become raider machine by dominating the competition and securing your place atop the leaderboard each week. Join our team of space explorers and embark on this funny adventure today!

Staking, NFTs and Merch:

Wondering what's next in our journey towards NFT collection and stacking pools? Here's what's instore:

Staking: We'll provide clear instructions on how to stake, along with details on rewards and benefits. Keep an eye out for announcements regarding the staking process, including timelines and any requirements you need to fulfill.

NFT Creation: We'll soon unveil the tools and platforms you can use to mint your own unique roboNFT. We'll provide step-by-step guidance on how to bring your roboNFT to your wallet. Stay tuned.

As we embark on these exciting ventures, we're committed to keeping our community informed and involved every step of the way. Get ready !!


Whitepaper: dogeb0t.gitbook.io/dogeb0t

TG: @dogeb0t