With opBNB launching its mainnet, it promises developers and users an improved experience compared to what is obtainable on the BSC network, particularly when it comes to large scale Web3 applications that demand high transaction volumes and intensive daily active users. This overload results in high gas fees and lowered network responsiveness, leading to the need for a Layer 2 to improve throughput. According to the team, BNB is designed for over 4,000TPS and transactions on opBNB could cost as little as $0.0005, based on the testnet.

BSC developed the opBNB network not only to augment the main network but to function as a standalone execution environment. This means applications can launch on opBNB and not deploy on the mainnet at all. Likewise, applications on BSC can deploy on the L2 network, along with other applications that were previously deployed on EVM compatible L1 and L2 networks. Also, because the main network oversees the final validation of transactions on opBNB, opBNB is as secure as BSC.

opBNB was developed using the Op stack which is a modular optimistic rollup framework that can be used to develop scaling solutions for different blockchain networks. The OP Stack is a set of pre-developed components, just like a SD Kit which can be used by teams looking to build a rollup solution.

Characteristics of opBNB

Here are some features of the opBNB network:


Layer 1 blockchain like BSC and Ethereum handle all the core functions of blockchain operations (execution, consensus, settlement, data availability) at the network level. This means that there is a risk of network congestion during peak periods or spike in traffic, which results in high transaction fees, slow transactions, and poor user experience. 

Layer 2 networks are an execution layer built on top of the main network to enable offering users lower fees and faster transactions. In the case of opBNB, it utilizes optimistic rollups, where transactions that take place on opBNB are rolled up into a single transaction before being submitted to BNB.
