According to Odaily, Jupiter LFG has commenced its third round of voting. The voting process, which began at 1:00 AM today, is set to last for three days, concluding on May 26 at 1:00 AM. The candidates for this round of voting include deBridge, a cross-chain interoperability protocol, Divvy.Bet, a betting platform, and Exchange Art, an NFT marketplace. The voting process is an integral part of Jupiter LFG's operations, allowing for the selection of projects that align with the organization's goals and objectives. The outcome of the voting will determine the direction of the organization's future initiatives and projects. The three candidates, deBridge, Divvy.Bet, and Exchange Art, each offer unique propositions and potential benefits to the Jupiter LFG ecosystem. deBridge is a protocol that facilitates interoperability between different blockchain networks, Divvy.Bet is a platform that offers betting services, and Exchange Art is a marketplace for NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, a type of digital asset that has gained significant popularity in recent years. The results of the voting will be eagerly awaited by stakeholders and participants in the Jupiter LFG ecosystem.